Kathi S. Barton 's Books
A very well recieved series by Kathi S. Barton are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Pierce: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance, Marsden (Wilkerson Dynasty Book 1), Morgan: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Kylan: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Sheppard: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 1), Piper: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey), Dwayne: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Oakley: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 3), Delmar (Archer's Dynasty Book 1), Brody, Wesley: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 3), Rodney: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance, Sean: The Sons of Crosby: Vampire Paranormal Romance, Thatcher: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Blaze: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 2), Milo: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Tristan: The Manning Dragons ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Chandler: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 2), Blake: The Whitfield Rancher – Tiger Shapeshifter Romance, Wyatt: The Stanton Pack—Paranormal Cougar Shifter Romance, Harley: Prince Of Tigers, Book 5, Matthew: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Tyler, Noah: House of Wilkshire ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Donahue: Foster’s Pride – Lion Shapeshifter Romance (Foster's Pride Book 2), Jonas: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Remington: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance, Theodore: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Carroll: Morgan’s Leap – Leopards Shapeshifter Romance, Finn: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Xavier's Hatchlings Book 1), Quinlan: Foster’s Pride – Lion Shapeshifter Romance (Foster's Pride Book 3), Dean: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 2), Bryant: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Gannon: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance, Caleb Anderson: Berkley’s Bastards – Billionaire Romance (Berkley's Bastards Book 1), Simeon, Beckett: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Lucian: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance, Griffith: The English Dragon ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Fisher: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Mercy: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 1), Watson, Sawyer, Easton: Forbidden: Paranormal Romance, Donald: Dalton’s Kiss: Vampire Paranormal Romance (Dalton's Kiss Book 3), Connor: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Stanley: Dalton’s Kiss Book 2 (Dalton's Kiss), Ian: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance, Houston: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance, Judith (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 3), Hawkins_McCullough’s Jamboree_Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance, Chance Encounters, Julian, Chase_The Sons of Crosby, Dana, Tholan: Mystic Protectors: An Angelic Paranormal Erotica, Vance_The McCade Dragon_Erotic Paranormal Romance, Boyd_McCullough’s Jamboree_Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance, Valyn_Mystic Protectors_An Angelic Paranormal Erotica, Vance_The McCade Dragon, Lincoln_The Manning Dragons, Lincoln_The Manning Dragons_Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance, Tanner, Lewis: The McCade Dragon –Erotic Paranormal Romance, Larson: McCullough’s Jamboree – Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance, Joshua_The Whitfield Rancher_Erotic Tiger Shapeshifter Romance, Xander_Winchester Brothers_Erotic Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance, which was published in 2022.
Pierce: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
Marsden (Wilkerson Dynasty Book 1)
Morgan: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Kylan: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Sheppard: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 1)
Piper: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey)
Dwayne: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Oakley: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 3)
Delmar (Archer's Dynasty Book 1)
Wesley: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 3)
Rodney: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance
Sean: The Sons of Crosby: Vampire Paranormal Romance
Thatcher: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Blaze: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 2)
Milo: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Tristan: The Manning Dragons ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Chandler: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 2)
Blake: The Whitfield Rancher – Tiger Shapeshifter Romance
Wyatt: The Stanton Pack—Paranormal Cougar Shifter Romance
Harley: Prince Of Tigers, Book 5
Matthew: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Noah: House of Wilkshire ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Donahue: Foster’s Pride – Lion Shapeshifter Romance (Foster's Pride Book 2)
Jonas: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Cole: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Remington: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
Theodore: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Carroll: Morgan’s Leap – Leopards Shapeshifter Romance
Finn: Xavier’s Hatchlings ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance (Xavier's Hatchlings Book 1)
Quinlan: Foster’s Pride – Lion Shapeshifter Romance (Foster's Pride Book 3)
Dean: Marshall’s Shadow – Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance (Marshall's Shadow Book 2)
Bryant: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Gannon: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
Caleb Anderson: Berkley’s Bastards – Billionaire Romance (Berkley's Bastards Book 1)
Beckett: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Lucian: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
Griffith: The English Dragon ― Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Fisher: Prince of Tigers – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Mercy: Queen’s Birds of Prey: Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 1)
Easton: Forbidden: Paranormal Romance
Donald: Dalton’s Kiss: Vampire Paranormal Romance (Dalton's Kiss Book 3)
Connor: House of Wilkshire ― Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Stanley: Dalton’s Kiss Book 2 (Dalton's Kiss)
Ian: McCray Bruin Bear Shifter Romance
Houston: Robinson Destruction – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance
Judith (Queen's Birds of Prey Book 3)
Hawkins_McCullough’s Jamboree_Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance
Chance Encounters
Chase_The Sons of Crosby
Tholan: Mystic Protectors: An Angelic Paranormal Erotica
Vance_The McCade Dragon_Erotic Paranormal Romance
Boyd_McCullough’s Jamboree_Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance
Valyn_Mystic Protectors_An Angelic Paranormal Erotica
Vance_The McCade Dragon
Lincoln_The Manning Dragons
Lincoln_The Manning Dragons_Erotic Paranormal Dragon Shifter Romance
Lewis: The McCade Dragon –Erotic Paranormal Romance
Larson: McCullough’s Jamboree – Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance
Joshua_The Whitfield Rancher_Erotic Tiger Shapeshifter Romance
Xander_Winchester Brothers_Erotic Paranormal Wolf Shifter Romance